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The Granny Skill Set

…with an updated mindset. Crafting, or handicrafts, are no longer common practice among people in recent generations; and if they are, the people doing them are often viewed with certain biases. With the rejection of the idea of the "homemaker", paired with current consumer culture and fashion, handmaking became a devalued skillset. 


For me, handicrafts have always been something that I’ve enjoyed, but as I got older, I began to stop seeing the value in those skills, buying into societal "norms". I cast them aside and turned my focus to other artistic endeavours. Even coming into art school, where the exploration of all mediums is strongly encouraged, I was left feeling a bit like there wasn’t a place for my crafty skills. 


However, in the last two years, with an unexpected and prolonged time at home, I (and I’m sure many others) found myself bored and needing something to do. I returned to my old skills such as crochet, sewing, and knitting. I began to look at these skills in a new light, as they unlocked possibilities that I had not considered before. The ability to sew/mend my own clothes was empowering and gave me a sense of resiliency.


Searching the thrift store for materials and creating items from what I'd found sparked a new outlet in my constant search for new sustainable choices, and left me wondering why these skills ever fell to the back burner. For previous generations, these skills were common, practical, and even necessary. With climate change altering what our future may look like, and systems such as supply chains being interrupted, the ability to rely on one's self is more important than ever, and that applies right down to patching the hole in your socks. I grew up with the crafty influence of my grandmothers, but not everyone has had that luxury. I wanted this project to give people the resources to start exploring handicrafts once again (or for the first time) - and connect with their inner "granny".

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